We’re beating all snow records this month in Seattle. The totals for February have not occurred to this level since the winter of 1923. So while thinking about climbing on my flat root to carefully remove the excess weight from snow and ice, why make a quick almond milk latte?
This plant-based almond milk latte (no sugar added) is a quick and easy recipe, different from cappuccino in using less foam and more steamed milk.

Latte or cappuccino?
The latte and the cappuccino share a lot in common: espresso coffee, steamed milk, and milk foam. The main difference between the two is the ratio of steamed milk and foam. In a cappuccino, you will put more foam to cover the top surface of the drink. The latte focuses on steamed milk with just a touch of foam or none at all.

Making foam with almond milk
We discussed the wonderful properties of almond milk in the previous recipe: the consistency of almond milk is such that it is very easy to make foam. Of all plant-based milks, I find it the easiest to work with and the closest replacement to dairy milk in its ability to create foam. For this recipe, I used unsweetened almond milk. Sometimes I use plain unsweetened, sometimes unsweetened with vanilla which adds a slight extra flavor. I find it very nice for coffees and oatmeal dishes as topping.

A few years ago, we bought some cups in the French mountains, one of them being in the shape of a marmot. With this cold and snowy weather, it felt fitting to use this great decorative cup for a fun plant-based, vegan latte. Get the animal as the cup without its milk in the cup? If you have a special cup, be it a an animal figurine or other type of decoration, it’s always entertaining to change the container every now and then. Cheers!

Almond milk latte (no sugar added)
- Prepare the espresso with an espresso machine.
- Place the milk in the microwave and heat for 10 seconds. It is not much volume, so time must remain very short just to warm it a bit.
- Run the milk through the espresso steamer and frother.
- Pour the steamed milk into the espresso slowly and going around the cup. Do not stir. Optionally let a tiny amount of foam into the cup for aesthetic purposes.
- Serve the latte immediately.

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