This plant-based cashew cream recipe makes an ideal complement soups, vegetables, or as vegan dipping sauce. Nuts are soaked for 4 hours prior to use.

As we made a beet soup over the weekend, we wanted to have some vegan topping to replace crème fraiche and other dairy options. This is the genesis for this cashew cream recipe.

The recipe making itself takes very little time, however you need to soak the cashews for at least 4 hours, ideally overnight. The ingredients are all plant-based and we quite liked the end result in terms of taste and texture.

The cream is thick and uniform, very similar to cream cheese or crème fraiche. It makes a perfect complement to soups, roasted, baked or steamed vegetables, or even as a vegan dipping sauce.

Cashew cream
- 1.5 cups cashews
- 0.75 cup water
- 1 lemon
- 2 tsp apple cider vinegar
- 0.5 tsp salt
- Soak the cashews in water for at least 4 hours. The easiest is to soak them overnight
- You can tell soaked cashews after they absorbed the water.
- Strain the soaked cashews.
- Squeeze the lemon, and combine the lemon juice with all ingredients in a blender.
- Mix for about a minute until you obtain a smooth cream.
- Serve immediately. You can keep the cashew cream in the fridge for up to a week (cover it with a plastic film).
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