This is the recipe for the green tea in lemon juice with pomegranate. As I add recipes to this site it occurs to me that while I’ve kept the French influence in terms of ingredients and cooking, Asia and particularly Japan has had a significant influence in my approach to food, taste and nutrition. After drinking green tea almost all day long in my twenties working for a Japanese company, where it was customary to do tea breaks, I kept the habit. Over time, I made variations from the standard green tea and this is one of them.
Cooling process for the hot water
Some people care a lot about the water temperature when making green tea. The recommended temperature is 160°F to 170°F, about 70-80 Celsius degrees. I never monitor this, just avoiding to use boiling water. It doesn’t matter, personally, that the tea comes out darker if the water is a bit too hot. One method I use here, without the need for any thermometer, is pouring the hot water through the lemon squeezer (you need one with a large enough container to hold it). Then I pour the hot or warm lemon juice back into the cup. The process cools it down some, and also extracts more juice from the lemon and more pulp. Pulp contains fiber, which we need. At this point I add the tea bag.
Green tea in lemon juice with pomegranate: a perfect coffee alternative
The pomegranate is optional, but this will give you the antioxidants from the tea, those from the lemon, and its vitamin C, plus the polyphenols from the pomegranate. In most cases, the seeds won’t float and will remain at the bottom of the cup. Keep the spoon handy if you like eating them all, it will be easier to get them from the cup. This green tea in lemon juice with pomegranate is less likely to make you crash, the way coffee does, while giving you sustained and focused energy. Give it a try and let me know what you think.

Green tea in lemon juice with pomegranate
- 1 bag green tea
- 1 tbsp pomegranate seeds
- 0.5 lemon
- Heat the water to almost a boil.
- Squeeze the half lemon in a juicer.
- Extract a few seeds from a pomegranate.
- Run the hot water into the juicer to extract the lemon pulp, then pour the hot lemon juice back into the cup. This will reduce the temperature and make it easier to drink, and more suited for green tea.
- Add the pomegranate.
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