Today I wanted to change things a bit and cook mushrooms in a way that is very simple and, per the current modus operandum, does not use oil. I could have put them in a frying pan with a little bit of vegetable broth, or balsamic vinegar, but I chose to simply boil them for a bit. Brown rice was already ready in the fridge from a big batch we did last night, so with this, most of the dish was already done!

I need to cook beets as I have a ton, so for this dish I cut out the roots and put them back in the fridge, while taking the beet greens to complement this recipe. Roots can stay good for a few days, while greens are more fragile and only stay fresh for maybe 5-6 days. Consume them as fast as it makes sense and put them first on the priority list.

For the dressing, I used a now classic French lemon mustard dressing with garlic, which is devoid of oil. It tastes just as good in my opinion, and if you’d like to add a little olive oil it is a very easy change from the ingredients list. I found that boiled mushrooms with this dressing taste wonderful, as does the rest of the dish. If like us, you already have rice ready, you can make this recipe in under 20 minutes total, start to finish. Quicker than fast food and all made with whole foods. Enjoy.

Rice with mushrooms, beet greens and lemon sauce
- 2 cups cooked brown rice (use white rice or barley as substitute)
- Oil-free French lemon dressing
- 8 oz beet greens
- 3 oz mushrooms (we used brown crimini mushrooms)
- Pepper and hot sauce to taste
- Cook the brown rice.
- Rinse and slice the mushrooms and beet greens. Reserve.
- Make the oil-free French lemon dressing.
- 15 minutes before the rice is ready, put water to boil in two pans. Cook the mushrooms for up to 10 minutes in the first pan, and beet greens up to 5 minutes in the second pan.
- Strain vegetables. Serve each plate with rice at the bottom, then beet greens and mushrooms. Top with the dressing and add pepper and hot sauce to taste.
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